
Smart House

15Smart House, Ditchling Road
Brighton BN1 4SE (corner Vere Rd)

The Smart House is a south facing bungalow dug in to the ground. It demonstrates a passive solar earth sheltered design, providing a warm comfortable home all year round whilst using almost zero energy. It has photovoltaic and solar thermal panels producing renewable energy and hot water on site and a grass roof to attract bio diversity.

The holistic design by Alan Phillips incorporated a sustainable approach from the outset, rather than simply adding on renewable energy as an afterthought. This illustrates that sustainable architecture has to begin with a thoughtful understanding of environmental techniques. In principle, the scheme could be constructed as a modular system that is designed to be fairly accessible to most people.


Volunteer organiser Caroline Schofield and developer Colin Brace talk about aspects of the house design (3 minutes):


smart house from inside


  • + Green roof
  • + Passive solar design
  • + Photovoltaic panels
  • + Rainwater harvesting
  • + Solar thermal panels
  • + Super insulation
  • + Thermal mass
  • + Under floor heating

Further information

Architect's website:
Alan Phillips Architects

Smart House technical report
(large file - 3Mb)