
5 Hollingbury Copse

5 Hollingbury Copse

185 Hollingbury Copse
Brighton BN1 6XD

Kevin and family moved in to this house five years ago and began its transformation by meshing a 1940s house with a substantial modern extension. The aspiration was to make the most energy efficient house they could on a moderate budget whilst making the maximum use of the existing structure and plot. The remodelling included extensive insulation, the introduction of renewable energy systems and the creation of new areas to make the home larger.

Natural materials have been used extensively on the extension, including wood fibre insulation, lime render, clay tiles on the roof, galvanised steel gutters and a recycled oak floor.

There are a range of renewable technologies in the house to demonstrate what is possible; photovoltaic panels, air source heat pump, woodburning stoves and solar thermal panels. A decision was made to take the property ‘off gas’ to protect it from future rises in energy prices.

There are plans to install a rainwater harvesting system in the future.

hollingbury copse


  • + Air source heat pump
  • + Cavity wall insulation
  • + Green Roof
  • + Induction hob
  • + Natural materials
  • + Photovoltaic (PV) panels
  • + Solar thermal panels
  • + Sun tube
  • + Sweet chestnut cladding
  • + Underfloor heating
  • + Woodburning stoves


Further information

Case study pdf

Kevin's company:
Southern Living Ltd