flat 12, 27 bedford place


4Flat 12, 27 Bedford Place
Brighton BN1 2PT

When Kathy and Andrea bought this flat just before Christmas, it was boarded up and in an appalling state. Since then they have achieved wonders in clearing out soiled carpets and filthy mattresses, to get down to restoring it and making it energy efficient.

The first step was to catch the last of the free deals for loft insulation and have 270mm of mineral blanket put in the loft. Next, the old boiler was replaced with a much more efficient condensing combi boiler. The leaky single glazed rear windows and door were exchanged for modern double glazed versions. Lighting is also being changed to ultra low energy LEDs.

At this point, a Green Deal assessment took place, primarily to tackle the much harder technical challenge of internal solid wall insulation. For the future, as soon as planning approval is received, the front single glazed windows will also be changed for new double glazing, to complete the package. As a result, a run down 1980s flat has been transformed into a cosy, superinsulated space with much reduced energy bills.

green deal pioneer places


  • + Condensing boiler
  • + Double glazing
  • + LED lighting
  • + Loft hatch insulated and draughtproofed
  • + Loft insulation
  • + Solid wall insulation (internal)

Further information

Case study pdf