24 cuthbert road

1124 Cuthbert Road
Brighton BN2 0EN

Terry and his wife relocated from London to their terraced house in Brighton in 2008, with the intention of installing as many energy saving features as possible before impending retirement limited their funds. The prime motivation has been a commitment to sustainable living rather than financial savings.

The house already benefitted from some double glazing and they have added a woodburning stove, which has helped to reduce gas usage. However, the house still felt cold, particularly in the larger rooms and the loft conversion.

Following a Green Deal assessment, they have adopted a coordinated package of measures including external solid wall insulation and a new high efficiency condensing boiler, coupled with a flue gas heat recovery unit to further improve efficiency. The new system will have modern heating controls to tailor heating to their needs. Draughtproofing and low energy lighting further help to conserve energy.

All external work has been managed carefully to reinstate original features and preserve the house’s appearance.

green deal pioneer places


  • + Condensing boiler
  • + Draughtproofing
  • + Flue gas heat recovery
  • + Heating controls
  • + LED lighting
  • + Low energy lighting
  • + Solid wall insulation (external, front and back)
  • + Woodburning stove

Further information

Case study pdf

cuthbert road