
brighton and hove city council logo

brighton permaculture trust logo

low carbon trust logo

Eco Open House team

Eco Open Houses event has been coordinated by:

Brighton & Hove City Council

The city council is committed to improving the energy efficiency of the city's housing stock across all tenures, and to reducing the number of people on low incomes living in homes with low energy efficiency (see grants page). Eco Open Houses is supported within the council by City Planning which seeks to facilitate the development and refurbishment of the city's housing stock to highest environmental standards.

Brighton Permaculture Trust

Brighton Permaculture Trust promotes greener lifestyles and sustainable development through design. We run a range of courses and events, from an introduction to permaculture to a longer permaculture design course and specific courses/events on green architecture, gardening and fruit growing including our apple day at Stanmer Park. We run projects in schools including eco clubs and the planting of small orchards which we also assist community projects with. Other fruit themed work includes managing orchards and a small fruit nursery at Stanmer Park and harvesting unused fruit from around the city for juicing etc. Permaculture design is about practical ecological strategies for land, water, buildings, people and communities. It is based on the philosophy of co-operating with nature and caring for the earth and its peoples.

Low Carbon Trust

The Low Carbon Trust is a not-for-profit organisation formed in 2001 to set up, manage and promote environmental projects. Our main objective is tackling climate change through highlighting the connection between buildings and the carbon emissions resulting from their use. We do this by running innovative low-carbon construction projects, and training, outreach and education workshops. Our first project was the development of the Earthship Brighton project. After winning various awards, it is being showcased as one of the most innovative eco-buildings in Europe.

Eco-building and renovation courses

by Brighton Permaculture Trust and Low Carbon Trust

Eco Renovate Your Home
Building with Straw Bales
Building with Rammed Earth and Chalk
Green Roofs
Introduction to Photovoltaics
Self-Building an Earthship