french house

Hastings Eco Projects:
presentation and discussion

At Brighton Junction, 1A Isetta Square,
35 New England Street, Brighton BN1 4GQ

Presentations and discussion by South Coast College Hastings and the Hastings Trust on two eco building projects: the Realistic Working Environment at the college and an eco-retrofit in Hastings Town centre. Other than being eco-homes, both projects have strong training elements.

At the Realistic Working Environment, construction students are getting hands-on training in eco-friendly construction, by building a full size eco-home. The house is part of a two and a half year project and is going to be built in stages to coincide with students learning new skills. When finished, the house will measure 100 square metres and will have provided a great learning tool for future construction industry workers.

12 Cambridge Gardens is a typical Victorian terrace, bought by the Hastings Trust and developed as an 'Eco-retrofit'. Although the green measures have increased the overall cost by around 7%, this was considered good value in terms of environmental performance and reduced future running costs. Much of the work was carried out by trainees and volunteers.


+ Insulation
+ Low water use toilet
+ Low water use shower
+ Natural materials
+ Solar thermal panels
+ Wood burning stove
+ Sun tube lighting