earthship brighton

Earthship Brighton
Stanmer Organics
Stanmer Park
Brighton BN1 9PZ

The award winning Earthship Brighton was designed and built by the Low Carbon Trust as a project aiming to create a model passive solar, low carbon building for use as a community centre at Stanmer Organics in Stanmer Park.

Earthships are off-grid self-sufficient 'green' buildings, constructed using waste car tyres and other recycled materials. They use natural systems to provide all utilities – solar energy for heat and power and rain for water. They heat and cool themselves, and use plants on site to treat sewage. They also employ extensive energy efficiency and water conservation measures, ensuring that the rainwater and renewable energy they harvest go as far as possible.

For more details of the project see www.lowcarbon.co.uk or the book Earthships: building a zero carbon future.


Further information

Case study: background, features and suppliers
www.lowcarbon.co.uk (includes other tour dates)


+ passive solar design
+ photovoltaic panels
+ wind turbine
+ solar thermal panels
+ wood burning stove
+ rainwater harvesting
+ grey water recycling
+ natural materials