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5 Dyke Road Avenue
Brighton BN3 6QA

Previous owner Donna Gray's vision for this house was to design a modern family home with strong ecological ideals that brought together landscape and architecture with interior and furniture design. The original house has been radically remodelled and extended to include a design studio.

The house is a great example of using environmentally friendly materials including jute and recycled newspaper insulation, clay plasters, organic paints and locally produced sweet chestnut wood cladding. Underfloor heating is used with exposed screed floors and solar thermal panels. The landscaping has been designed to connect indoor and outdoor space, as well as to separate the house from the design studio.


Winner of British Homes Award

Further information

Information about Dyke Road Avenue and other BBM projects:
(large file - 1.6Mb)

Case study: background, features and suppliers



+ sweet chestnut cladding
+ underfloor heating
+ live/work unit
+ recycled newspaper insulation
+ natural paints
+ clay plaster