14 newport street

1314 Newport Street
Brighton BN2 3HL

Since David acquired this house in 2010 he has made number of energy saving improvements, including solar thermal hot water, part double glazing and highly insulating the loft. David’s motivation has been an awareness of diminishing fossil fuels and the need to switch to renewables. At the same time he is delighted by the idea that the sun can provide much of his hot water; avoiding the need to burn gas.

The recent Green Deal assessment has built on this excellent start to go even deeper, primarily by enhancing the insulation to the fabric of the house. This has tackled the much trickier areas of external and internal wall insulation, together with underfloor insulation, whilst also insulating awkward places such as above the ceiling in the bay window.


green deal pioneer places


  • + LED lighting
  • + Loft insulation
  • + Solar thermal
  • + Solid wall insulation (external, rear)
  • + Solid wall insulation (internal, front)
  • + Sun tube
  • + Underfloor insulation

Further information

Case study pdf